Everything You Need To Know About Ganglion Cysts
What is a ganglion cyst
Ganglion cysts and Ganglion knee cysts (popliteal cyst) are benign tumors or swellings on top of a joint or the covering of a tendon. The only difference between the ganglion cyst and the popliteal cyst is that the ganglion cyst can occur anywhere in the body while Baker’s cysts are generally found behind the knee.
Most ganglion cysts and popliteal cyst (ganglion knee cysts) cause some degree of pain, which is often constant and intense, and is exacerbated by joint motion. When the cyst forms on a tendon, some people experience a sense of weakness in the affected areas. A ganglion cyst is usually formed following acute repetitive trauma; however, 35% of ganglion cysts have no discernible cause.
G-Relief® with it’s I.B.V.S© (internal blood pro-vascularization system) promotes blood flow helping your body gently and effectively dissolve the nucleus and removes the ganglion cyst into your bloodstream. When a flushing effect sensation is being felt the I.B.V.S© is at work removing the ganglion cyst at its very core. This essential feature makes G-Relief® revolutionary treatment for the ganglion cyst.
The ganglion cyst is most frequently located around the dorsum of the wrist and on the fingers. 80% of ganglion cysts are found in the wrist, although they may occur in the foot. popliteal cyst, on the other hand, are generally located behind the knee area. Ganglion cysts are commonly observed in association with the joints and tendons. The average size of these cysts is 2.0 cm, but cysts of more than 5 cm have been excised. The size of the cyst may vary over time, and can increase after activity.
The Baker’s cyst (ganglion knee cyst), like the ganglion cyst, contains a jelly-like fluid (synovial fluid). It is, for the most part, the same as ganglia and can rupture and cause acute pain behind the knee and in the calf muscle. (More Info)
The most commonly accepted cause of ganglion cysts is the (Herniation Hypothesis), whereby they occur as “an out-pouching or distention of a weakened portion of a joint capsule or tendon sheath.” This is based on the observation that the cysts occur close to tendons and joints. The microscopic anatomy of the cyst resembles that of the ten synovial tissues. Ganglion cysts, like popliteal cyst, contain a jelly-like substance (synovial fluid). Dye injected into the joint capsule frequently ends up in the cyst but dye injected into the cyst rarely enters the joint. This has been attributed to the formation of an effective “check valve” allowing fluid out of the joint, but not back in. Example # 11A
IMPORTANT: Based on the above information, it is almost impossible to remove Ganglion Cysts, Ganglion Wrist Cysts, Ganglion Knee Cysts (Baker’s Cysts) or any other cysts in their entirety by the Prescribed External Methods of Treatments.
Prescribed Methods of Treatments
The Treatments are Surgery, Aspiration (needles) or hitting them with Books or a Medical PATCH. With these methods of treatments the Roots are left behind. According to the “Nation Library of Medicine” there is a 40% change the cyst will Return. The ROOTS must be Dissolved and Removed from the inside (internally). That’s why we developed “G-Relief Caps” (treatment for ganglion cysts. (Info) or B-Relief Caps (treatment for Baker’s Cysts (Info)
What Doctors Do Not Want You To Know
Ganglion Wrist Operation
According to the National Library of Medicine. even after enduring the intrusive and painful ganglion cyst surgery there is a 46% chance that the ganglion cyst will return. It is almost impossible to extract ganglion cysts in their entirety as roots are often left behind. (Details)
Scarred For Life
With the prescribed methods of treating ganglion cysts such as surgery or aspiration there is a 46% chance that the ganglion cyst will grow back and if you undergo surgery, you will be left with a nasty scar. You now have a choice: You need G-Relief® Capsules, 100% Natural, Alleviating the Risks of Recurrence (Details)
Ganglion Knee Cyst Aspiration
With aspiration most of the time the jelly like substance (synovial fluid) is too thick to extract with a syringe. Furthermore the roots often become entwined around nerves and tendons making it impossible to extract the ganglion cyst so it grows back.